Sabtu, 30 Mei 2009

Clothing Tips For Backpacking

  1. Using lighter weight pants is easier than jeans. Jeans are harder to dry. If you are concern about your laundry budget in your travel, jeans are not good idea. You will get more charge when you laundry them, because jeans weight more than another kind of clothes.
  2. Bring a few clothes with you, avoid to take a lot of clothes. More clothes mean less room in your travel bag, especially if you use a backpack. Taking 3 or 4 clothes are enough, plus 1 warm jacket. You can always wash it on your journey or laundry it. Getting a new clothes at the street is good idea, then you can discard your old clothes perhaps to the local people.
  3. Always bring a big plastic bag with you. When it rains so you can protect your clothes at your backpack with it. You sure you will get a nightmare when your clothes get wet.
  4. Learn about your destination such as how the weather is, the climate. It helps you to decide what kind of clothes you will need most. Humid country will always been different with cold one. It's bad idea wearing thick warm jacket in Indonesia or Thailand
  5. Some items such as shoes, t-shirt, or short pants can be purchased cheaply. So don't worry about that.
  6. Your travel clothing must be comfortable for you. If its don't, it would ruin your trip.

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